
Showing posts from December, 2016

What will happen if you drink 3 liters of water a day for a month

[ads-post] Sarah Smith suffered from a migraine. Doctor recommended her to reduce the consumption of caffeine beverages and started to drink plenty of water. She was very tired due to a migraine. However, she followed the instructions which were given by the doctor, and her appearance was changed amazingly.  She drank only one liter of water a day. Finally, she understood that the amount of water she drank a day is not enough and started to drink three liters of water a day. In this picture, you will be able to see how the water changed her appearance.  Drinking 3 liters of water a day didn't only make her beautiful, the body weight also reduced.

How to reduce the bad cholesterol level

[ads-post] Parsley is rich in essential oils and flavonoids Flavonoids has the amazing power of destroying harmful toxins in our body. You can get increased the power of parsley if you mix lemon with parsley. When parsley combines with lemon, it does not only stimulate the circulatory system, it also reduces the bad cholesterol level. For this, you need one and a half liter of water, three medium parsley stalks, 1Kg of lemon and a few of baking soda.  First, wash the lemon well using baking soda. Then put all the lemons into a cold water and leave it about one hour. Now, boil the water and let it cool completely. Finally, add the chopped parsley and lemon to the water. Then keep the mixture in the refrigerator about 24 hours. In the end, blend all the ingredients well and drink 10ml of this mixture a day. You can store the mixture in the fridge for later use.

Top five foods which naturally purify blood

[ads-post] Do you know that there are some foods, which naturally purify the blood? You can successfully purify the blood by consuming these foods and have no side effects.  Water  We can't forget the water when we talk about blood purifying. Water has an amazing ability to remove all the harmful toxins and purify the blood. All you have to do is just drink ten glasses of water.  Cucumber Cucumber is another food, which naturally cleans the blood. Drink one glass of cucumber juice a day to purify the blood.  Garlic  You may know that garlic is a powerful medicine for many diseases. Therefore, it destroys bacteria and keeps your body healthy. Garlic has amazing ability to destroy free radicals from your blood and purify the blood.

Propolis has anti cancer properties

[ads-post] Propolis is a sticky substance which honey bees use to create nests, fill holes and create barriers. It is very beneficial for rashes and wounds. Apart from that, propolis is well known for its powerful antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-virus properties.  Propolis is rich in Iron, vitamins A, B, C. It also contains minerals, amino acids, and flavonoids. You can make your bodily functions stronger such as the immunity system if you consume propolis.  The most important thing is its anticancer properties. Therefore, it is capable of stopping the spreading of HIV virus.  Now you may understand the importance of natural substance called propolis.

Airline dirty secrets you didn't know before

[ads-post] It is possible to get touched feces on your hand if you traveled in an Airplane.  According to airline employees, there are some places in airplanes that are contained feces. You will never believe if you heard of these places.  An airline attendant who worked for American southwest airline said to the Reddit website, some passengers change their babies dirty diapers on the food tray, so there is a chance of getting ingested feces if you ate something, which was placed on the food tray.  There is such a dirtiest plane in the airplane called armrest. It was specially designed to keep the hands. Therefore, it is a breeding ground for bacteria such as E-coli.

What do you know about Acanthosis Nigricans?

[ads-post] You may think that this is appeared due to poor hygiene or dirt, but this is called Acanthosis Nigricans in medical science.  This can be appeared on neck, face, inguinal area and between legs.  Did you know that it means your body has a higher level of insulin? Many think that it is appeared due to dirt or poor hygiene, but it actually means that your body resists the insulin hormone which produces by your own body. There is a high chance of having diabetes if your pancreas produces an excessive amount of insulin.  That is why you should immediately visit a doctor if your neck like this.

Here is what Nostradamus predicted about 2017

[ads-post] You don't need to tell that who is Nostradamus. Nostradamus is a French prophet who predicted 9/11 attack and the victory of Donald Trump. Let's see that what he predicted about 2017.  South Korea and North Korea will stand together as one nation. And he also predicted North Korea's ruler will be dethroned.  According to Nostradamus, solar power will use more than ever in 2017.  During the next two years, commercial space travel will be improved.  As a result of global warming and diminishing the resources, there will be a hot war.

These are the worst food for kidneys

[ads-post] Kidneys   can   be   described   as   one   of   the   most   important   organs   in  y our   body.   That   is   why   you   should   keep   your   kidneys   healthy   and   safe.   You   should   always   eat   only   healthy   food   if   you   want   to   keep   the   kidneys   healthy.   In   this   article,   we   decided   to   inform   you   some   of   the   worst   foods   that   are   very   harmful   to   your   body. Red Meat Everybody   knows   that   red   meat   contains   a   huge   amount   of   protein.   However,   excessive   consumption   of   protein   is   extremely   ha...

Here is how you love according to your horoscope sign

[ads-post] Do you believe if we said that your horoscope sign reveals how you love?  Aries The people who born in Aries sign seemingly humorless. They tend to humiliate and satirize.  Taurus  Taurus people always tell what they do and do what they tell. They always tend to show their love in actions not only the words. Gemini Gemini is a stubborn sign, but they have a good heart which easily gets melted.

This home remedy successfully cure cholesterol and HBP

[ads-post] This home remedy has a unique ability to improve the immunity system and strength the overall health. Anyone can use this home remedy because it has no side effects. This will be a great medicine if you have cholesterol and high blood pressure.  For this, you need one teaspoon of lemon juice, one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, one grated garlic clove, one piece of grated ginger, and one teaspoon of honey.  First, mix all the ingredients in one container and consume three times a day before every meal. You can prepare this mixture in a large quantity and store in a fridge about five days. Don't store it more than five days. In the very first week, you will notice a huge drop of harmful cholesterol level and high blood pressure.

Inhale this natural product to sleep better

[ads-post] Do you know that inhaling or eating onions makes a person drowsy? El Tryptophan (an amino acid) should be responsible for that. El Tryptophan is an essential amino acid which is the body can't produce. According to some of the recent researches, it is capable of improving the sleep quality.  That amino acid works to produce serotonin and melatonin, which are required for a better sleep. Those hormones improve the quality of the sleep.  In this article, we inform you how to get rid of insomnia using only a small home remedy. First, cut a medium-sized onion into a few slices and put into a container which can be closed by a lid. Then inhale it whenever you want to sleep.

You should know this before consume Banana

[ads-post] This will be difficult for you to believe, but banana can solve these health problems better than pills.  Banana is capable of providing energy immediately to the body. That is why most of the athletes consume banana.  Amino acids that contain in banana keep us calm and happy. It makes banana a great medicine for stress and depression.  Thanks to the higher level of calcium and lower level of sodium, it lowers the risk of having heart diseases. It also helps to regulate the blood pressure. Did you know that you can improve your memory by eating only one banana a day? Banana is a great medicine for anemia patients, because of the higher level of iron.

You are very special if you have this sign on your both palms

[ads-post] This ancient method used by ancient Greeks and Egyptians to predict someone's future.  Royal consultants saw that King Alexander's hands consist of two cross signs, and they predicted he will be a great leader.  According to a research done by researchers in STI University of Moscow, those who have clear cross signs on their both hands have a strong personality whom all the great leaders have. They have an ability to achieve success without trying hard.  It is impossible to cheat them because they know about people well.

Place a banana peel on your hand

[ads-post] Do you know that banana peel is very effective for warts? HPV virus should be responsible for warts. Usually, these warts are harmless, but it makes you less confidence and discomfort, especially in public. There are many wart removal cream and treatments, but most of them contain harmful chemical. That is why you should use a natural method.  Low potassium level has a direct connection with the spread of warts. Banana and peels both are rich in potassium. Therefore, you can successfully get rid of warts.  First, cut a banana peel which is enough to cover warts. It is better if you use a well ripped one. Now, place the banana peel on warts and tie it using a bandage. Leave it overnight and remove in the morning.

Drink this mixture to clean blood vessels

[ads-post] Do you know that onion contains carbohydrate, plant protein, minerals, and vitamins? Potassium, sulfur, vitamin B1, B2, C, K, P, and beta-carotene are the most important nutrients. Onion acts as insulin. In this article, we decided to inform you about a natural remedy that cleans blood vessels and improves the brain functions. Required materials 100 Grams of onions  100 Grams of natural honey  First, squeeze the onion juice from a juicer or your hands. Now, mix onion juice and honey well. You should consume one tablespoon of onion juice before every meal.

How to remove unwanted facial hair easily

[ads-post] Unwanted facial hair is the biggest almost all the women suffer. It makes women ugly. It may become thicker with time. In this article, we inform you a natural remedy which helps to remove all the unwanted hair. It is very effective as waxing.  For this, you need a half teaspoon of coconut oil, three tablespoons of corn flour and some water.  First, clean your face and apply coconut oil on the face. Don't forget to massage. Then, make a thick paste with water and corn flour. Now, apply the prepared mixture on the face and let it completely dry. Finally, rub the skin well.

Here is what every woman should know about eggplant

[ads-post] According to the Ayurveda, You must limit the eggplant consumption. Eggplant contains a huge amount of plant-based hormone, and it is ideal for the women who are suffering from Amenorrhea. It also acts as a strong diuretic. There is a high chance of reactivating menstrual cycle if you eat eggplant daily. It is very harmful to pregnant women.  As we mentioned above, eggplant works to reactivate menstrual cycle. So it can cause abo*tion in pregnant women.  Eggplant causes acidic problems. Therefore, pregnant women should not eat eggplant.  In general, eggplant is very nutritious, but it is not good for pregnant women.

These foods make you age faster

[ads-post] You probably think exposure to the sun, smoking, and stress are the main factors that accelerate the aging process. Did you know that there are some foods also causes skin aging?  Sugar is in the top of the list. You should stop eating sugar immediately if you want to slow the aging process. Sugar does not only make you fat. It also speeds up the appearing of wrinkles. Potatoes and grains turn into sugar at the end. Those foods largely consume essential minerals such as zinc. Potatoes and grains don't any good, except providing calories.  Alcohol makes you dehydrate faster more than any beverage. It also abducts vitamins. In addition, excessive alcohol consumption depletes zinc and magnesium, which help to slow the aging process.

You should not eat garlic in these situations

[ads-post] In addition to the taste enhancing properties, garlic has amazing healing properties.  However, there are some situations you should not consume garlic. It is true that garlic contains anti-bacterial and anti-virus properties, but it is not capable of destroying jaundice virus. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat garlic to prevent jaundice. Your stomach and intestines get stimulated when you consume garlic. As a result of it, there is a chance of restraining the digestive juices. It affects the digestion worsened the symptoms of jaundice. Diarrhea can be worsened if a diarrhea patient eats garlic in raw. That is why diarrhea patients should stop eating garlic.

How to get rid of bad breath easily

[ads-post] Bad breath makes you less self-confidence and discomfort. There are many causes for bad breath, including smoking, dry mouth, gum diseases, consuming smelly foods and other medical conditions. However, the main reason for bad breath is the bacteria that build-up in your mouth. In this article, we inform you how to get rid of this annoying condition easily without using any medication.  Do you know that cloves are very effective for destroying the bacteria that responsible for bad breath? Y You can easily get rid of bad breath by chewing three or four cloves.

Here is why you should add milk to tea

[ads-post] You will be happy to hear what the researchers say about milk if you are a milk lover. Do you know that tea makes your teeth stained and discolored? You can avoid it by adding some milk to your cup of tea.  According to researchers, it is very effective more than teeth whiten toothpaste.  Tea is the second most-consumed drink worldwide. Tea can make your teeth discolored, but it depends on how you make it.  Tea contains tannins, a chemical compound which is responsible for making teeth discolored.

Never Take the Money Which You Will Find On The Street!

[ads-post] Imagine that you found a coin on the street, you would put it into your wallet because you think that it is your lucky day.  According to the ancient beliefs, it's not your luck. If someone lost a coin, it means that he is very unlucky. If you took it, it is a sin and the bad luck comes behind you.  There are many ancient beliefs about money. Money changing is also doing a negative impact on your life. Taking money from the left hand and giving money from the right hand prevents negative impact.

How to cure headache with only two ingredients

[ads-post] Medications are ineffective for a headache sometimes.  You should not let a headache to destroy your daily life. Now you can successfully get rid of a headache by using only two ingredients, which are easily available in your kitchen.  This is very easy to prepare and use. All you have to do is add two tablespoons of high-quality salt to a glass of lemon juice.  Drink three or four sips of the prepared mixture for better results. Drink one sip and take a rest and then drink one sip again. In additional to relieve a headache, it also regulates the serotonin hormone level, improves immunity system.

Massage this point to relieve constipation

[ads-post] Imagine that you need to poop very hard, but you can't. You don't need to tell how painful it is. This is not a joke but a serious health condition.  According to the General Internal Medicine, one of every five persons suffers from this annoying condition. It affects women more than men.  However, you can get rid of this condition by massaging this special place. All you have to do is just massaging the area between our rectum and privet part. When you massage this point, it breaks stools into small pieces and makes very easy to poop.  This can be described as one of the best methods you can use instead of constipation medications.

Here is how to cure dandruff easily

[ads-post] This is not a natural remedy, but it is very effective for dandruff. Do you know that aspirin contains salicylate, a chemical which can be found in dandruff shampoo? That is why it can be used to treat dandruff.  For this, you need two aspirins and shampoo.  First, crush the aspirin tablets and mix it with shampoo until it becomes foamy. Then massage your hair using this mixture and rinse it.  After a few days, your will see a noticeable result.

Here is why you should never let other to kiss your baby

[ads-post] All the family members came to see this newborn baby and one of them kissed the baby on the lips.  Everything was normal as usual until the mother breastfeeds the baby at night. She saw that the baby's lips were swelled and small blisters on the lips. The Doctors said that the baby had cold sores. Doctors suspected the baby had this because of someone who kissed on her lips. It is a virus called Herpes Simplex Virus. This virus does not do any serious harm for the adults, but it is very dangerous for babies who are not older than three months.

Consume 2 tablespoons of this drink to reduce belly

[ads-post] You can get rid of 1 cm of belly fat a day if you consume two tablespoons of this mixture daily. In addition to burning belly fat, it improves memory, hearing, and vision. For this, you will need the juice of four lemons, a piece of ginger (2 inches), three tablespoons honey, two tablespoons of cinnamon and a quarter cup of water.  You should mix all the ingredients using a blender.  Store the prepared mixture in a jar and consume two teaspoons of this mixture a day.

7 Pain you should never ignore

[ads-post] There are some pains, you should never ignore because it may be a signal that says your health is in danger. If the pain occurs from an organ, it may indicate a dangerous disease. That is why you should never ignore this kind of pain.  If you are suffering from a heart or cardiovascular disease, you may experience a chest pain. You should immediately go to a doctor if you frequently experience a pain in the right side of your pain.

Grow Your Own Teeth In Just 9 Weeks!

[ads-post] You may already hear about dental implant technology. Do you know that there is a new revolutionary method that left everyone speechless?  All the credits should go to Dr. Jeramy Mao, a researcher at Columbia University. He has introduced a teeth scaffold that promotes the teeth regeneration.  You can regrow your own teeth in just nine weeks thanks to this new revolutionary method.  The doctor says that this process very simple.  This method is still in progress and needs to get approved by the medical authority.

Use this remedy to whiten your dark face

[ads-post] Cosmetic products which are available in the market contain harmful chemicals, but this natural home remedy doesn't contain any harmful chemical.  For this remedy, you have to dry orange peels until it completely dried. You can do this by with help of sun. Now, blend the dried orange peels until it becomes powder.  Then mix one tablespoon of yogurt and one tablespoon of orange peel powder.   Finally, apply the prepared mixture on your face and rinse it after 15 or 20 minutes.

You won't believe what he did

[ads-post] A frustrated Indian man has chopped off his privet part, because of his wife refused to have $ex with him.  37-year-old Ram Ghazi recently came his home drunk asked his wife for $ex, but she refused.  According to the wife, he got angry and chopped off his private part. I did this because my wife never accepted me. We were not together in ten years. She is very stubborn.  Wife said to the media, he is insane, and I don't like to talk about what he did.

What will happen if you don't wear underwear

[ads-post] What will happen if you stop wearing underwear? You will try to stay without an underwear if you heard what happens?  Like other areas, your privet part also needs fresh air, but if you wear underwear throughout the day, it makes your privet part exhausted.  Underwear makes your privet part sweaty and smelly. That is why you should let your privet part to breathe fresh air.  If your privet part is already itchy or irritates, your underwear may be responsible for that.  It provides you a comfort and a relief if you don't wear an underwear.

You should know these things before consuming ginger

[ads-post] You may hear of the amazing health benefits of ginger. You should also know that there are some situations you should never consume ginger. Ginger is a strong stimulator, that is why pregnant women should never eat ginger, especially in the last weeks of pregnancy.  Ginger is not suitable for the people who are struggling to weight gain. When you consume ginger, it increases the appetite and stimulates the fat-burning process.  Ginger stimulates blood. It is a good think but not for the people who have hemophilia.  The people who are taking medications for diabetes and high blood pressure also should avoid ginger.

This seeds is more effective than chemotherapy

[ads-post] Grape seeds extract has an amazing ability to destroy the cancer cells and prevent the cancer cells from spreading. This was revealed by a recent study which was done by Colorado's cancer prevention center.  This seed efficiently destroys cancer sells without harming healthy cells. Therefore, it can be used to treat cancer patients very effectively.  You won't believe if we said that it is also very effective for 4th stage cancer.  Scientists believe that cancer patients won't need chemotherapy soon.