
Showing posts from January, 2017

A strange way to lose weight very fast

[ads-post] This may be the strangest way to lose weight ever you have heard in your life. Many people use this kind of painful methods to lose weight after trying everything to lose weight.  This makes eating painful and reduces weight. First, doctors settle a polyethylene net to the patient's tongue. When the patient eats rough foods, it creates a pain. Then the patient tends to consume fluids and low calory foods. This strange method was introduced by Nikolos Chuge, plastic surgeon.

5 Most important animals that the human can't live without

[ads-post] There is no doubt that the human is the most inteligent being in the world.  1. Worms These animals create holes throughout the earth, and those holes act as the airways which enter oxygen and water into the soil. The animals that are living underneath soil and plant roots depend on it. Moreover, these organisms convert nutrients into the nutrients that all the plants need. 2. Ants Ants are doing a great role in decomposing. Ants also create holes like earthworms. During this process, soil fills in oxygen and recycles the nutrients. The plants that provide foods to the humans highly depend on these nutrients.

Are you still single ? Here is the reason

[ads-post] Are you still single? Here are 7 main reasons. You're alone but happy You have a plenty of good friends You won't need a life partner if you have a group of good friends who are always with you forever. You are actually enjoying your life with them. Freedom If you never want to limit your freedom, it is not a surprise that you love your lonely life more than anything. If you are still single, this may be the reason.

Is it possible to unlock the phone of a dead man using his finger ?

[ads-post] Imagine that you have enabled the fingerprint lock, and you are dead. Is anybody able to unlock your phone's lock using your fingerprint?  First of all, you should understand that there are many fingerprints scanning technologies. Therefore, the same rule does not apply for all.  Because Apple Touch ID sensor company is using two methods to get to your fingerprints. Most of the sensors will work fine with the prosthesis and a dead man finger. However, you will not be able to do that with iPhone's touch ID sensor because they use two methods to read the user's fingerprint.

Time travel is possible with these methods

[ads-post] The humans had a dream of time traveling since the ancient times. Is time travel is possible? According to the scientists, time travel is possible in three ways. Some of those scientists are Albert Einstein and Stephan Hawkins.  After watching this video, you will understand that the time travel is possible.

What happens when you eat sweet potatoes ?

[ads-post] You will love sweet potatoes more than ever if you heard the amazing health benefits sweet potatoes.  Sweet Potatoes are rich in Vitamin E and C, which are very good for your skin. Free radicals are responsible for accelerating the skin aging. Did you know that antioxidants that contain in sweet potatoes can destroy free radicals?  Sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene that is why it is very effective at preventing cancer. Vitamin E that is contained in sweet potatoes is also good for eyes' health.

5 Teens you won't believe actually believe exist

[ads-post] There are many things that we don't know about the world. You will never believe if said that these teens actually exist in the real world.  1. Sara Swaringen  This is Sara Swaringen who lives in South Carolina in America. She is suffering from a form of rarest skin disorder. It only appears one in two million people. There are thousands of moles on her body due to the disorder, but she is happy with his body. 2. Nihal Bitla He is 15 years old but looks like a 75 years-old man. Progeria is a very rarest disease that ages the body eight times faster. He won't live longer than a few years.  3. Mahendra Ahirwar This Indian boy is also suffering from a rare disorder, which makes his head bend 180 degrees. In these pictures, you can see how unfortunately he is.

5 Simple things that science can't explain HD

[ads-post] Do you think that science can answer everything? You are wrong. Science can't answer even these simple things.  Why the cows always face north and south when they eat.  After analyzing satellite images scientists came to a strange conclusion that cows always face north or south when they eat or rest but scientists don't know the reason.  Why are more genes in tomatoes than humans?  There are more than 30,000 genes in tomatoes. But the human has only 20,000 - 30,000 genes. Why nature used more genes to create a tomato than a human? It is still a mystery.  Placebo effect  As long as you believe that a pill has an effect on your body, it actually affects your body, whether it is an actual or a sugar-filled dummy. If you finally understood that it is a fake one, it does not work anymore. It is called placebo effect. Science also can't answer this.

7 Mind blowing tricks used in the advertising field

[ads-post] 7 Amazing tricks used by photographers in the advertising field. When they need to photograph a hot drink with steam. They use wet and hot cotton balls behind the scene. Cotton balls are capable of holding hot longer and creating smoke. It gives enough time to the photographer to take the best shot.  It is not that easy to take a photograph of an ice cream under the hot lights of a studio because ice cream can be melted easily. That is why they use mashed potatoes instead of ice cream.  Insects are moving quickly so it is very hard to take a photograph of an insect. That is why they keep the insect inside the fridge for a while. It makes the insect slow.

10 Strangest things that happen during the sleep

[ads-post] You may probably think that sleep is a restful and a quiet thing. If you knew what happens to your body when you sleep, you will never look at sleep the same way again. REM is the deepest phase of the sleep. In this stage, you can't move your legs and hands because the muscles and tissues are paralyzed. This is a normal thing that happens to everyone, and you should not worry. There are five phases of sleep. REM is the last and the most active phase. In that phase, we tend to blink the eyes quickly. Apart from that, some people sleep with half-opened eyes.  Did you know that your body produces more human growth hormones when you sleep? HGH helps to regenerate the muscles and tissues in your body.

Here is what happens when you eat guava

[ads-post] We are 100 percent sure that you are not heard about these amazing health benefits of guava.  You can strengthen your immunity system by eating only one guava. When you eat a guava, it increases the Vitamin C level in your body and strengthens the immunity system.  Guava is rich in antioxidants that neutralize the effect of free radicals which cause cancer.  Guava and Guava leaves reduce the high level of cholesterol and triglycerides. Therefore, it also reduces the risk of having heart diseases.  You can keep your blood-sugar level sugar under control if you regularly consume guava.

The world without human would be like this.

[ads-post] What happens if the human suddenly disappeared from the earth? In this video, you will be able to know what exactly happens.  After a few hours, all the light bulbs around the world shut down because most of the power stations are depended on fossil fuel.  After 10 days, pets and farm animals die due to the dehydration and hungry. After a few weeks, small dog breeds won't survive from big dogs.  After one month, nuclear power plants will be explored due to the lack of cooling water.

4 Animals created by human

[ads-post] In this video, we hope to educate you about four craziest animals created by human.  Fatherless chicken  This featherless chicken species created by Israel's geneticists will be the future of meat industry. These chickens are capable of surviving in a warm condition. Moreover, they are environment-friendly and lower in calories. Unfortunately, they have to suffer a lot due to the gene mutation. Sunburn, practice infections, mosquito bites can be described as the outcomes.  Lemurat  Chinese millionaires tend to spend a lot of money on pets. Therefore, medical and scientific research companies in China crossbreed animals to introduce new pets to the market. This is a hybrid animal created by crossing a lemur and cat.

5 Fruits you have probably never heard of

[ads-post] Here are five fruits that you have never heard of. Lemato  In first glance, you may think that it is a lemon. This is not lemon its Lemato, a combination of lemon and tomato. This was introduced in a recent research by researchers. It looks like lemon in outside, but it is a tomato in inside. Pineberry  This is also known as Albino Strawbery and mostly cultivated in Europe. Look at this fruit closely, Seeds in this fruit are clearly visible in the outside. Hala Fruit Kiwano

5 Photos that made the world cry

[ads-post] Here are the top five photos that made whole the world cry.  Teacher's funeral ceremony In his photo, you will see a boy who is crying while playing the violin. That teacher was not just a teacher to these poor Brazilian children. Apart from the education, he also protected them from poverty and the violence. This child was very special among those children. That teacher was the whole world for him. That is why you see the tears in his eyes. Drunken father There is not much information about this photo. At first glans, you will see an innocent child who is trying to stand up his drunken father. Look at the eyes of the child. You will be able to see how desperate the child is.........

Five supernatural games you should never try

[ads-post] Playing with demons, ghosts, and other invisible beings is not a good idea. However, the people who love to have a little thrill use strange methods to communicate with the hidden world. In this, video we decided to inform you five paranormal games.  Ouija board can be used to communicate with the paranormal world. Many people still believe that it can summon spirits. At first glance, you will see that it as a normal board that contains numbers and letters.  This is a very old paranormal game but still popular in many countries. This method is used to summon the spirit of Bloody Mary. 

You should never post ID photos on Facebook

[ads-post] Modern technology and social networks endanger the privacy of the user. You should never add your privet documents to the Facebook, especially identity cards, and passports. If you did so, it will be a great help for identity thieves.  In this video, we decided to inform what happened to the man who deliberately added his national identity card to the Facebook. It was the great mistake he has ever done in his life. Do you believe if we said that he had to pay 800,000 Filipino pesos due to his mistake?  He noticed a sudden drop of 9000 Philippine pesos from his monthly salary. Finally, he understood that someone has used his identity for getting approved loan from a bank.

Unusual Ancient Medications Used In ancient times

[ads-post] 5 Unusual medications used in ancient times.  Dolphin therapy is used in Peru, especially for the pregnant women. People in Peru still believe that dolphin's touch can improve the nervous system in the fetus. Not only the Peru women foreign women also come to the Peru for this amazing treatment.  Ancient Greek and Chinese's people used molded bread to prevent wounds from infections. Ancient Egyptian also used molded bread's skin to treat the blister infections of the head.  Do you believe if we said that, ancient Egyptians used mummy powder instead of aspirin? 

There are no explanations for these photos

[ads-post] In this video, you will see a list of photos that shocked whole the world. There are no explanations for these mysterious photos. That is why we said those photos are mysterious.  This photo shows a lady who is calmly recording the assassination of John Kennedy while others are running. FBI tried to find her very hard, but they could not. This was a scene from a comedy film which was theater in 1987 named "Three men and a baby." Look at the picture carefully, the boy who is in the back is not a character of this film. Who is he? It is a great mystery.

Here is the ugly truth about your towel

[ads-post] You should wash your towel once a week or dry in the sun. It is very easy to destroy bacteria but fungi. Bacteria and fungi can freely grow on your wet towel. You can easily get rid of bacteria by washing the towel. However, you can't be removed fungi by washing. If you want to destroy fungi, you have to dry the towel under the sun well.  Using a towel ignoring this it is possible to have an infection on your skin. Unfortunately, many people are not aware of this.  Experts strongly suggest that washing the towel once a week is very important if you want to maintain a healthy life.

Airline secrets that everyone should know

[ads-post] Here are a few things that you should know about airplanes. You may have never known some of these things.  Oxygen masks hanging above your seat contain enough oxygen for 15 minutes.  Pilots are not allowed to eat the same food that passengers eat. They are given a different meal. It is because of to prevent the food poisoning. Even the Inexperienced pilots handle big airplanes. Do you know that human organs also transport in passenger airplanes?  The pilot and copilot share their works without concerning the difference of post.

5 Super human abilities that you can buy now

[ads-post] Don't forget that we are living in the 21st century. There are many amazing gadgets on the market now. You can get superhuman abilities' thanks to these new gadgets if you have enough money to spend.  This device is called the pyro fire shooter. It is a wearable device that can throw fireballs to a long distance that can buy for 26000 rupees. You may hard to believe that this is a bulletproof suit because most of the bulletproof vest are heavy and uncomfortable. It is made of nano-carbon tubes. That is why it is light weight and comfortable. It resembles of an office suite.  This device is called Myo Armband, and it lets a person control all the electric devices, including computers and smartphones.

Boil lemon and drink the liquid on the empty stomach

[ads-post] Did you know that lemon has polyphenol flavonoids that lower bad cholesterol level naturally? Moreover, vitamin c and b that contain in lemon clean the blood vessels. Therefore, you can reduce the chance of having heart diseases, diabetes, and high blood pressure.  For this, you need 500ml of water and six lemons.  First, clean the lemon and cut into two pieces. Add the lemon to the water and boil until it boils and let it cool for 15 minutes. Now add the liquid to a glass container and store in the fridge for later use. Drink this mixture on the empty stomach for better results.

If the blood is red why are veins are blue?

[ads-post] You may already know that arteries carry oxygen-rich blood, and veins carry oxygen-depleted blood. Many people believe that oxygen-depleted blood is blue.  Blood is not blue, and it is always red in color. However, oxygen-depleted blood has a darker red color.  This can be quite difficult for you to understand. Blue light can't go deep into the human tissues as red light does. It is because of the change of the wavelengths. That is why veins reflect blue light.  In other words, the oxygen-depleted blood that runs through your veins absorbs red light more than blue light. That is why the veins are blue in color.

What happens when you eat handful of raisins a day

[ads-post] It is true that raisins have not a beautiful look, but it is capable of providing many amazing health benefits. Raisins contain important nutrients that can successfully treat arthritis, kidney stones, heart diseases, and anemia. In this article, you can know most important health benefits of raisins.  The amino acid contains in raisins has an amazing power to increase the libi-do. Eat a handful of raisins a day if you want to get increased the libi-do.  Did you know that the antioxidants contain in raisins have an amazing ability to reduce the risk of having cancer? Those antioxidants also prevent you from having stomach cancer.  Apart from that, when you consume raisins, it improves the digestion, health of bone and teeth, immunity and provides instant energy.

What happens when you sleeping on side?

[ads-post] Remember well that your sleeping position has a great impact on your mental health.  A recent study has shown that there is a link between your sleeping posture and how your brain expels the chemical waste. It also revealed that some postures help to expel the chemical waste from your brain when comparing with other postures.  Finally, they came to a conclusion that sleeping on the side helps to remove the chemical waste from your brain better than other postures.

What will happen if the internet stopped working

[ads-post] We are living in a word that heavily relies on the Internet. Therefore, unexpected things can happen if the Internet stopped working.  This is the first problem you have to face immediately after the Internet collapsed. Satellites can't be accessed without the Internet so your mobile phone will not be useful anymore. You have to forget email and start to write letters. Facebook and twitter will become a thing of the past.  The Internet is a powerful tool that can be used to find the answers to many questions. If anything happened to the Internet, education will not be easy anymore. Library and radio will popular again.

What happens when you eat dragon fruit

[ads-post] You may have heard about dragon fruit. However, may have never heard about the amazing health benefits of dragon fruit.  Dragon fruit is rich in fiber and low in calories. Therefore, you can eat dragon fruit as much as you want without gaining weight. This fruit can make your stomach full for a long time. If you are looking for a food that helps to control the appetite and loses weight, this is the best food for you.  Stiffened arteries and stress should be responsible for high blood pressure and most of the heart diseases. Fortunately, you can significantly reduce the oxidative stress which is responsible for heart diseases.  In addition, dragon fruit is capable of preventing cancer, delaying the aging process, providing antioxidants, improving immunity system and fighting against diabetes.

Amazing mixture for whitening your face

[ads-post] We inform you an amazing treatment that prevents skin aging and whitens your face.  For this, you need four teaspoons of avocado, four teaspoons of papaya and one teaspoon of olive oil. Add all the ingredients into a glass container and mix well until it becomes a thick paste.  Now, apply the prepared mixture on your face and neck then massage well. Leave it for 15 minutes and rinse off the mixture using cold water.

Here is why you should apply hone and cinnamon on a bread slice

[ads-post] Science has confirmed that honey can treat numerous of diseases successfully. When it combines with cinnamon multiply the health benefits of honey. This amazing mixture is very effective against the virus, diabetes, and cholesterol.  Apply a mixture made of honey and cinnamon on a bread slice and eat. You can get amazing health benefits if you consume it regularly. In this article, we decided to inform you some of the health benefits that honey and cinnamon provide.  When you eat a bread slice with cinnamon and honey mixture, it cleans the clogged arteries and prevents heart diseases. Add two tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon to a cup of hot water and drink, if you want to ease the arthritis pain. You can decrease the bad cholesterol level by 10% if you add two tablespoons of honey and three teaspoons of cinnamon to your morning tea.  

What happens when you eat chickpeas ?

[ads-post] Did you know that chickpeas have these amazing health benefits?  Having a higher level of bad cholesterol increases the risk of having stroke and heart diseases. Soluble rich foods like chickpeas can decrease the bad cholesterol level naturally.  Chickpeas don't only regulate the lipid and bad cholesterol level in your blood. It also prevents diabetes.  You should consume fiber rich foods if you are trying to lose the weight. Fiber makes your stomach full without affecting the body weight. It means that you can lose the weight without staying in hungry.

You should never throw out chicken skin

[ads-post] Do you still believe that eating chicken skin increases the level of bad cholesterol and blood pressure? Apart from that, some believe chicken skin increases the risk of having heart diseases. However, a recent study confirmed that it is a myth which you should not believe. You should not remove the skin when you cook chicken. According to the experts in Howard university, id does not do any harm if you eat in moderate portion. In addition, it provides many health benefits.  Trust us, chicken skin is actually good for your health.  Chicken skin does not harm your health because it contains unsaturated fats. This type of fat is healthy same as the unsaturated fats which can be found on avocado. Unsaturated fats decrease the bad cholesterol level and blood pressure.

Here is what happens when you consume dates daily

[ads-post] Many people are not aware of the amazing health benefits of dates. If you knew these health benefits of dates, you will consume dates daily. You will never believe such a tiny fruit can do this to your body.  You will feel how healthy dates are if you start to eat dates. You can get all the daily recommended vitamin quantity by consuming three dates a day. In addition, dates are also rich in copper, potassium, fiber, manganese and vitamin B6.  Did you know that dates help to improve the digestion? That is why you should consume dates if you are suffering from digestion problems like constipation. Dates are rich in fiber hence it prevents cancer in intestines.  Apart from that, dates are capable of relieving pain, reducing the pain in pregnancy, regulating blood pressure and improving the brain functions.

How to remove pores on your face easily using only two ingredients

[ads-post] First of all, you should know that it is not that easy to remove pores on your face completely. However, you can reduce the appearance of pores thanks to these natural remedies. These natural remedies don't only reduce the pores; it also tightens the sagging skin and removes the excessive oil from your skin. Lemon juice and egg treatment  When using this treatment on the skin can reduce the pores and improve the quality of your skin. All you have to do is make a paste using two white eggs and some lemon juice. Then apply the prepared mixture on your face let it dry.  Lime juice and tomato treatment  Here is another simple treatment to reduce the appearance of skin pores. Add a few drops of lime juice to the tomato juice and mix well. Now apply the mixture on your face and leave it about 15 minutes. Do this treatment three times three times a week for better results. 

You should never sleep immediately having dinner

[ads-post] You should never sleep immediately after having dinner because it causes belching and inflammation in the stomach. However, you will never believe if we said that there is a high chance of having a heart attack and stroke.  When you got to the sleep immediately after having a meal, it increases the risk of having an acid reflux. In addition, there is another risk of damaging to the mucous membrane of the esophagus.  You can avoid these harmful conditions if you go to the sleep after having the dinner before an hour.

Here is how you express anger according to your Zodiac sign?

[ads-post] You may be heard a lot of predictions about your zodiac sign.  Do you believe if we said that your zodiac sign reveals how you express anger?  1. Aries The people who born in Aries easily gets anger and calms down quickly. They don't like to waste the time by debating. The best quality of Aries people is forgiving quickly. 2. TAURUS Taurus people don't get anger easily. However, they tend to hold the anger for a long time. What makes them easily anger is unfairness and disloyalty. 3. Gemini It is impossible to predict what they do when they are in angry. They tend to speak loud and use harsh words.   4. Cancer Cancer people are capable of staying patient even they are in angry.   

Natural foods that act as powerful pain relievers

[ads-post] Do you know that there are powerful painkillers in your kitchen that can be used to relieve all the pains? Many people don't know that these natural foods act as powerful painkillers. Turmeric  Turmeric is well known for its pain relieving properties. You can successfully cure the various inflammatory condition, muscle pain, arthritis pain and toothache thanks to the turmeric. Add turmeric to your foods and beverages to improve your overall health and relieve all the pains. Ginger  This smelly root is capable of relieving arthritis pain and chronic pains. That is why you should add ginger to your foods and drinks. Some people are highly sensitive for the taste of ginger so you should be very careful.  Garlic Everyone should know that garlic helps to successfully cure a toothache, arthritis pain, and earache. Garlic oil is especially very effective for relieving pain.

You won't believe how she looks like now

[ads-post] If you are frustrated with life without any hope, this amazing video will give you a hope. You may still remember the women who named as the world's fattest women.  She was unable to get out of her bed due to the excessive size. Do you believe if I said that she is 90 kilos now? Are you an obese man or woman who thinks it is impossible to lose weight? Think of this woman who named as the world's fastest women. If she could make this amazing transformation, why can't you?  What she teaches us is nothing is impossible if you have an enough courage.  She said with pride, I am now free of diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol.  Do not forget to share with us your opinion on this.

What is the safest seat in an Airplane according to the science

[ads-post] You may have a fear to get in an airplane because of the airplane crashes that happened in last few years. That is why many people asked what is the safest seat on an Airplane.  Many experts believe seats that close to the wings are the safest because that area is the strongest part of the airplane. However, some experiments suggest different answers.  According to the information received by the camera, and some technological equipment, there is a high chance of dying in an airplane crash if you sat on front seats. It means that back seats are safe to eat when comparing with front seats.  People are sitting near the emergency exit, also have a higher chance of surviving because it is possible to get out of the airplane easily in an emergency situation.

Apply this on your face if you want a beautiful skin

[ads-post] Many people tend to use expensive beauty products, but they are not aware of the dangerous consequences of this kind of beauty products that contain dangerous chemicals. However, this natural treatment is free of harmful chemicals and side effects so anyone can use without thinking twice. Apply this mixture on your face if you want a beautiful skin. For this, you need only two medium-sized cucumbers, one Aloe Vera stalk and one cup of water. First, cut two cucumbers into small pieces and remove the outer layer of Aloe Vera stalk. Now, add all the ingredients into the blender and grind until it becomes a thick paste.  Apply the prepared mixture on your face and massage well. Leave it about 20 minutes and rinse the face using cold water.  You can get an amazing result if you do this before going to the bed.  This home remedy is well known for its skin whitening properties.

What will happen if you drink milk with honey

[ads-post] Honey and milk mixture will be a great solution for the people who are suffering from insomnia. This has been used since ancient times to cure insomnia. You can fall into sleep instantly if you drink this before going to the sleep.  It secretes tryptophan when you consume honey. Serotonin hormone has an amazing power to relax your body and mind. Seraṭonin hormone turns into melatonin. Melatonin is very popular for its sleep aiding properties. That is why we said that it is the best cure for insomnia.  For this, you need only one tablespoon of honey and one glass of milk.  First, add honey to the boiled milk and mix well. Now, drink the prepared mixture before going to the bed.