7 Weapons That Are Banned in Warfare


Here are seven weapons that are banned in any warfare.

This gas named mustard gas because it is very similar to mustard in color and smell. This was used in WW1, and it is extremely poison for the human body. When it inhaled it instantly fills lungs in fluids and cause death. Soldiers have been advised to, urinate on a piece of cloth and cover the mouth immediately when they exposed to this gas. 

Sarin, soman, and GV are some of the nerve gasses. These gasses work the same way. What they do is completely block the nervous system and respiratory system. The victims have to suffer a lot before the death from burns, blisters, and internal bleeding.

Phosgene gas should be responsible 85% of chemical deaths during WW1. It is very easy to prepare and use. When it enters to the lungs through your nose, it instantly stops the oxygen exchange.


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