
Showing posts from March, 2017

How artificial intelligence bring dead people back to life

[ads-post] Death is a natural phenomenon which is no one can resist. However, the scientists are still working hard to find a scientific method that can make the humans immortal.  As a result, a company called Humai has found a new way which is possible to bring dead people back to life with the help of Artificial Intelligence.  The main purpose of this company is to recreate a human using the Artificial Intelligence. You will not be able to find a difference between the recreated person and dead one.

පස්ස ලොකු කාන්තාවන් පිළිබද වෛද්‍යය පැවසූ විශ්මිත කතාව


රසම රස කුකුළු මස් ලැවරිය හදමු


සිහිනෙන් මේ සත්තු දැක්කොත් බලාගෙනයි


ලිංගික ශක්තිය අඩු පිරිමින් හදුනගන්නේ මෙහෙමයි


පුරුෂ ලිංගයේ ශක්තිය වැඩි කරන අරුම පුදුම ව්‍යායාමය


පේර කොළ වලින් ඔබේ හිසකෙස් වර්දනය කරගන්නා සාර්ථක ක්‍රමය


කොන්ඩේ සදහටම ස්ට්‍ට් කරමුද? එහෙනම් මෙන්න මෙ විෂ්මිමත වට්ටෝරුව හදාගන්න.


Monks have super powers

[ads-post] Super Heroes are not only in the movies. There is a group of people who have super powers in real life. In this video, we hope to inform you ten super powers that monks have in real life.  These monks have enough strength to do push ups using only two fingers. In addition, there are some monks who can stand in one finger.  Every superhero has a fearless mind. These monks also have a fearless mind. Look at this monk, he can even stay in a fire and a boiling oil pot.  When you combine speed and balance together you can do many amazing this. You can run through the walls like Shaolin monks.

තොල් පෙති ලස්සන කරන විශ්මිත ක්‍රම මෙන්න


නිරෝගීමත් පියයුරු පවත්වා ගන්න ක්‍රම 06ක්


කුඩා පියයුරු විශාල කරගන්න දේශීය රහස් ඖෂද


ඔබේ පුරුෂ ලිංගයත් මේ වගේද කියලා බලන්න එහෙනම් ඔබ අනතුරේ


මේහෙම Kiss කිස් කලොත් සැප ගොඩයි


Scientists create a heart tissue using a spinach leaf

[ads-post] Scientists have created a human heart tissue using a spinach leaf. Scientists and researchers tried to create a tiny blood vessel network since a long time but failed.  However, they never thought that the veins of plant leaves can do this miracle. What they did first remove the plant cell and obtain the cellulose frame. It is compatible with the human body, so we can use it to create cartilage tissues and bone tissues.  They dipped the cellulose frame in a human cell container and after a few days, it turned into a living tissue.

Mysterious Object Under The Surface Of Antarctica

[ads-post] Look at this picture closely. It is a satellite image of Antarctica. Don't you see something special in this photo? After looking at this photo, all the scientists were baffled because there is a mysterious object under the solid ice cap of Antarctica. Scientists believe that it will change the history. Some researchers say that this is a giant asteroid which was wiped out dinosaurs from the entire earth.  However, conspiracy theorists have a completely different explanation. They believe that earth is hollow and there is another world inside it. According to them, this is the door to enter the underground world.

5 Facts you don't know about dark web

[ads-post] The Internet is much bigger than you thought. However, most of the Internet users are not aware. In this article, we hope to inform you about the deepest part of the Internet called dark web and deep web. You can find the top classified documents in the dark web, including government secret information. There are some websites on the dark web that release classified documents. The people who are maintaining these websites are hackers.  What we surf is just the surface of the Internet. The rest of the Internet is called the dark web. You can't access the dark web using regular search engines such as Google and Yahoo. It requires a special web browser.

This is how the government is spying on you

[ads-post] After Edward Snowden revealed the truth about America, the whole world shocked. According to Snowden, the American government is spying on their people and the world. In this video, we hope to inform you five tools that government uses to spy on you.  This is the most effective tool that can be used for spying. America's modern street lights are much advanced than you thought. These street lights are capable of taking pictures, listening to conversations and send those data to the government. If government track the transactions of their citizens, government can get a lot of valuable information to the government. Thanks to that information, it is possible to arrest thieves and terrorists.

How the foods change over the time

[ads-post] It is amazing how the food change over the time. How will our foods be in 3017 years? In 3017, food production will be in a huge trouble due to the global warming. Global warming will increase the temperature of some parts. It will be a huge challenge for farmers to produce food with the rising temperature. As an answer to this problem, vertical farming and indoor farming will be a reality. The impact of global warming will also affect to the fishing industry. Fish farming is a good solution to this situation.  In 3017, you will be able to see a very smart packaging system.

The scariest demons around the world

[ads-post] Everything has a history. Therefore, ghosts and demons also have a history. Ancient people believe in ghosts and demons more than modern people. They also believed that the demons can cause dangerous diseases.  According to the Hindu mythology, Pishacha is a demon who feed on human dead bodies, especially on graveyards. They are black in skin color and have large eyes. Hindu people believed that they can cause disease.  The meaning of the word (Hantu Raya) is "Large Ghosts." This demon tends to live with the person who summoned them. After summoned, Hantu Raya has to do what the master says.

The largest animals ever lived on the earth

[ads-post] Before start this video, let me ask a question. What is the largest animal ever lived on the earth? If your answer is dinosaurs, please watch this video until the end. According to the possible that scientists have found, there were some animals bigger than Dinosaurs.  Peraseratherium looks like a Rhinoceros but larger than a Rhinoceros. You may think that the biggest mammal animal in the land is African Elephant. However, most of the people don't know that the world's biggest land mammal animal was Peraseratherium.

Travelers who came from other dimensions

[ads-post] According to the strings theory and quantum science, it is possible to exist an infinite number of universes and other dimensions. Therefore, we will be able to visit other universes and dimensions. Do you believe if we said that there were some people who traveled through other dimensions?  In 12th century, two small children found near the wool pit village. They were green in skin color and refused to eat anything except raw be ens. Villagers didn't familiar with their clothes and language. Finally, they adopted to the village lifestyle, and their unusual skin color was disappeared. After learning the English language, she said that she came from a location called St Martins Land. She further said that, there was no sunlight and everything was green.

5 Human mistakes that shocked the world

[ads-post] Do you know that what are the most terrible mistakes ever done by humans?  Aral sea was one of the largest lakes in the world, Unfortunately. It is still sinking since the 1960s due to an irrigation project. As a result, fishermen were jobless and many children were dead. According to the nations, it was one of the largest environment disasters. You may remember the accident that happened in Dhaka, Bangladesh. In 2013, The Rana Plaza building was collapsed, and it caused over 1000 deaths. Most of them were garment workers.

5 Old medical pracitises that leave you speachless.

[ads-post] Five Old medical practices that leave you speechless.  If you had hemorrhoids in the past times, you had to go to ancient monks for treatment. You won't believe what they did to cure hemorrhoids. They insert a hot iron rod to your rectum.  Electric treatments were very popular in the past times. They used electric treatments to cure many diseases, including impotency. In this treatment, they gave an electric shock to the patient's pe..s. They believed that it gives enough power to the patients to make a baby.

5 Scariest places on the earth

[ads-post] You should never ever visit these five scariest places on the earth.  There was no man lived in the Gunkunjima island of Japan since 1950. This island consists of huge buildings and walls. It makes the island scarier. There were six thousands of people on this island, but they left the island due to the exhaust of coal. Now it has become a ghost town.  This island is called the dolls island because it is filled with dolls. Don Julian was the one who did it. He was the only one who ever lived on this island.

10 Things you didn't know about sea pirates

[ads-post] 10 things you did not know about the Somali sea pirates.  After the collapsing of Somalian government in 1991, the fishermen of other countries were fishing at the Somalia's sea territorial. Apart from that, they added toxic waste to the sea.  Somalian fishermen tried to protect their territorial from other fishermen, and eventually, they became sea pirates. The local fishermen demanded a fee from foreign boats.  They called themselves as coastal guards. Their main purpose was to protect the Somalian sea until a new government elected.

4 Places that are scientifically impossible to exist

[ads-post] In this video, we hope to inform you about four places that are scientifically impossible to exist. There is a strange well in North Yorkshire, which is capable of petrifying any object. If you placed any object inside this well for four hours, you will be able to see that it has been petrified. Look at these objects which have already petrified. According to the scientists, the high level of mineral content in the water should be responsible for this effect.  This cave is called Movile cave, and it has a sulfur-filled atmosphere which is extremely toxic. The most strange part is that it has not exposed to any kind of light for 5.5 million years. There is only one species in this cave.

04 Old Photographs That Will Give you Nightmares

[ads-post] These photos were once considered as normal, but now it is completely difference because those photos are looking scarier to us.  This is an old method called foot binding, which was ancient Chinese people practiced. In this method, women had to suffer a lot. You will be able to understand how painful it is when you look at this picture. According to the ancient Chinese beliefs, it makes women's muscles tight.

UFOs & Psychic Powers Revealed as CIA Release 800,000 Declassified Files

[ads-post] Do you know that CIA recently released millions of classified pages? It is hard to believe that why CIA released these once highly classified files. These declassified files reveal many secrets about aliens, UFO and the people who had supernatural powers.  They did an experiment to examine psychic powers, especially the remote viewing. Most of the people believe that the government employed these people who had psychic powers to spy.

What will happen to our world in 2050

[ads-post] World population will reach to 9 billion. Humans will be more prone to many diseases due to the close physical activities. Food shortage will be a huge problem.  The dead sea will be completely dried due to the increasing global warming. Not only the dead sea half of the Amazon forest will be deforested.  Most of the buildings in 2050 will be covered in plants and trees to fight air pollution.  The future wars will not be to land and sea it will also happen in the space.

A Physicist proved that ghosts don't exist Nodutu Lokaya

[ads-post] Half of the world population still believes in ghosts and spirits. However, almost all the physicists don't believe the existence of ghosts. If they really exist, it can be proved with the help of the Large Hadron Collider. The Large Hadron Collider is the world's larger particle accelerator ever built my human. It is capable of moving particles at the speed of light's speed. Scientists can explore many secret thanks to this amazing invention. It also helps to discover unknown particles in the universe. However, scientists couldn't find any particle, which is responsible for making ghosts and spirits. That is why the physicists don't believe in ghosts.