Showing posts from April, 2017
කුරුලෑ සහ කුරුලෑ කැළැල් සදහටම මකා දමන විශ්මිත ස්වභාවික ප්රතිකාරය
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නිවෙස් තුල අමනුෂ්ය බලවේග ක්රියාත්මක වීමට සැබෑම හේතුව මෙන්න
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පියවර 2න් මුහුණ අත් කකුල් සියල්ලම සුදු කරගන්න ලේසිම ක්රමයක් මෙන්න
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Why is your house hunted ?
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[ads-post] If you saw any object is moving on its own or heard a whispering sound, you may think that it is a ghost or paranormal activity. You will never believe if I said that molds in your house can do the same. Molds can make you sick and hallucinogenic. Therefore, you may think that your house is haunted.
කසාද බැන්දම කෙල්ලෝ මහත් වෙන්නේ ඇයි මෙන්න බලන්න එකට හේතුව
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ඔබ දන්නවද? හිරු එළිය පවා වැටෙන් නැති මේ වගේ සුන්දර පුදුම ගම්මාන ලංකාවේ තියනවා කියල
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කාන්තාවක් උද්දීපනය කරවීමට ස්පර්ශ කල යුතු ප්රබල ස්ථානයන් 05ක්
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කොන්ඩේ සදහටම ස්ට්රේට් කරගන්න ගෙදරදීම ක්රීම් එකක් හදමු
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How to survive a nuclear attack ?
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[ads-post] The original purpose of this video is not to make you scared but teach you how to survive in case of nuclear attack. If you are inside of the epicenter of the explosion, it is hard to survive. If you are still alive, run away from the explosion quickly. It is also important to spot the signs of a nuclear attack. Bright light and mushroom cloud are the most common signs.
කෙසෙල් වලින් සිගරට් එපා කරවන අරුම පුදුම ක්රමයක් මෙන්න
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Who will win US or North Korea ?
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[ads-post] North Korea continuously tested nuclear weapons without ignoring the warning of the US and South Korea. Therefore, the US and North Korea decided to sanction against North Korea and threatened Kim Jon Un. What will happen if North Korea went to war with US? Russia and China seem to be allied with North Korea but if something happened, they won't take North Korea's side.
NASA's Forgotten Astronaut
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[ads-post] Many people do not know that there were three astronauts of the Apollo 11 missions. While Neil Amstrond and Buzz Aldrin walking on the moon third one was at the command module. His name is Micheal Collins and also called as The forgotten astronaut. At that time, he was lonely, and it is impossible to describe what he felt.
ගොම්මං අඳුරේ රූමත් කතුන්ට බැල්ම හෙලන කළු කුමාරයා කවුද?
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සෞදියට ඇණයක් වූ ලොවක් වසඟ කරගත් කඩවසම් තරුණයාගේ ඇත්ත කතාව මෙන්න
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The secret of the Ice Man is revealed
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[ads-post] Can a man climb Everest mountain, run a marathon in the Arctic circle and bathe in ice called water wearing only a pair of shorts? Do you believe if we said that one man did all of these things? Furthermore, he can stay inside of a container that filled with ice cubes more than one hour. How did he get this super-human ability? According to the experts, he can regulate the body temperature using his brain.
අවලස්සන තරුණියක් රූ රැජිණියක් වුණු හැටි
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අවලස්සන තරුණියක් රූ රැජිණියක් වුණු හැටි පුංචි කාලේ ආකාර්ෂණීය ශරීරයක් තිබුණේ නැති තරුණියක් රූ රැජිනක් වූ පුවතක් වාර්තා වී තිබෙනවා. ඒ 2016 වසරේ Miss United තරඟයෙන් දෙවැනි ස්ථානය දිනාගත් තරුණිය පිළිබඳවයි. Lopamudra Raut තමයි පුංචි කාලේ ඒ තරම් ලස්සන ශරීරයක් නොතිබුණු තරුණියක් වෙලා හිටියේ. ඒ වුණත් ලස්සන රුවක් ඇයට අහිමිවෙලා කියලා උත්සාහය අත්හැරියේ නැති Lopamudra Raut 2016 වසරේ Miss United තරඟයේ දෙවැනි ස්ථානය ලබා ගත්තා. ඉතින් ඇය සිය ජයග්රහණය ගැන කියලා තිබුණේ " අපි හැමෝම ගොඩාක් ලස්සනයි. ඉතින් ලස්සන නැති කරගන්නවාද නැත්නම් තව තවත් වැඩිකරගන්නාවද කියලා තීරණය කරන්න ඕන අපිමයි" යනුවෙනි. උපුටා ගැනීම -
ආදරය කරන කෙනා අසල සිටින විට ශරීරය තුල සිදුවෙන විශ්මිත දේවල් මෙන්න
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Rhinoceros horns worth more than gold
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[ads-post] Why are rhinos almost extinct? Humans should be responsible for it. They get killed only for one body part. Humans should be responsible for this. In 1993, rhino horns banned by many governments but these horns are still available in black market. People believe rhinos horns have healing power. Vietnam people believe rhino horns can cure cancer. However, there is no scientific evidence to prove it.
Enceladus may have life
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[ads-post] NASA recently announced their latest discovery on one of Saturn's moons. They have discovered hydrogen gas coming out from the moon's ice layer. It means that underground ocean may support for life. Finding hydrogen is an amazing discovery because hydrogen is very important for life. However, Oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, sulfur and phosphorus also essential for life.
The power of Queen Elizabeth
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[ads-post] Every citizen of Britain needs a driving license, including the president and prime minister. However, the queen doesn't need a license, and she can anywhere she wants without a driving license. Do you believe if I said that the queen doesn't need a passport? It means that queens can travel across any country without any legal document.
මිනිසා නිර්මාණය කලේ පිටසක්වල ජීවීන්ද ? සාක්ෂි රැසක් මෙන්න
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සමලිංගික ගැටළුවක් නිසා චිත්රපටයක් කුවේටයේ තහනම් කරයි
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ස්වයංවින්දනය තහනම් කිරීමේ යෝජනාවක් - ශුක්රාණු පිටකළොත් දඩ!
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අතිශයින්ම පුරුෂයින්ට පමණයි - 90% දෙනා මේ ගැන දන්නේ නැහැ
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සුන්දර සිහින් උදරයක් වෙනුවෙන් දවසකට විනාඩි 10 මේ ව්යායාමය කරන්න
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NASA is ready to make MARS habitable
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[ads-post] Scientists believed that MARS had an earth-like habitable environment. It means that MARS had oceans and life. However, MARS lost its atmosphere, and it became a lifeless planet. What do you think? Can we fix it? NASA has a plan for it. If NASA can rebuild the lost magnetic field of MARS, it is possible to make MARS habitable again.
නිදන යහනේදී අඹු සැමි දෙදෙනෙකු වැළකීසිටිය යුතු නිදන ඉරියවු
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Where would you go to survive World War 3?
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[ads-post] The original idea of this video is not to make you fear but teach you how to survive. Therefore, this video is for education purpose only. Think a moment, the major cities around the world like London, Berlin and Nagasaki devastated as a result of WW2. It means that cities are main the targets during a world war. That is why you should leave the city as soon as you heard about WW3. American people tried to save their lives by hiding inside the underground bunkers during the cold war. In WW2, European people also used this tactic.
සහකරුවා පිළිබද සහකාරිය අනිවාර්යයෙන්ම දැනගත යුතු කරුණු 15ක්
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සරාගී බවින් වැඩිම මිනිසුන් ජීවත් වන රටවල් දහය දන්නවද?
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Did Aliens Create Humans ?
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[ads-post] Who are we really? Where did we come from? Scientists are still trying to find how the universe was formed? Unfortunately, they couldn't find an exact answer for that question. In this video, we hope to inform you some of the important facts about how the universe formed and who created the humans.
දත් මදිනවට අමතරව දත් බෙහෙත් වලින් කරන්න පුළුවන් වැඩ 11 ක්
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Things you don't know about Santol
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[ads-post] No need to tell you that Santol is a mouthwatering tropical fruit. Do you know that Santol is very beneficial for Diarrhea? Santol has a lower glycemic level that slows down the digestion process. Therefore, it prevents increasing the blood-glucose level. Keep in mind that santol is very good for allergies. Santol is rich in Byronic and sanatorium acid that alleviate the allergic symptoms.
How Will the Human Species Evolve?
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[ads-post] You may be heard that humans evolved from apes. How will humans look like in the future? In this video, we hope to inform you some of the very important things about human's future evolution. The humans can live without appendix and gall bladder. However, we all born with these organs. Some experts suggest that future humans won't have these organs. Humans
පාළු පාරක තනියම ගිය තරුණියට හිතා ගන්න බැරි වෙන්න කොල්ලෝ කරපු වැඩේ - Prank
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රටෙන් රටට වෙනස් වෙන කාන්තාවන්ගේ සරාගී පෙනුම ඔබ මවිත කරාවි
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මෙම ව්යායාම කිරීමෙන් සරාගී තට්ටම් දෙකක් ලබාගන්න පුළුවන්
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A Swiss company converts corpse into diamonds
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[ads-post] A Swiss company has come up with a great method that can convert a dead body into a precious diamond. Undoubtedly, this is an amazing method. According to this method, it is possible to convert dead one's ash into a diamond. This is the machine that converts a dead body into a diamond. The last result is a real diamond.
ලොව තරභාරුම කාන්තාව අද සිටින හැටි දුටුවොත් ඔබ පුදුම වේවි
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දරුවෙකුගේ ජීවිතය මිනිත්තුවකින් බිලි ගත හැකි මේ භයානක පැළෑටිය පිළිබද දැනුවත්ද
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Everything you need to know about Google
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[ads-post] Undoubtedly, Google is the king of technology and data world. What researchers say about Google is truly unbelievable. According to them, Google is a power-hungry company which is trying to take the control in the world into their hands. In the world that everything is connected to the Internet, we can't expect privacy. They can even track our location and movements. There are millions of people everyday use Google's search engine. Therefore, Google knows what people want. Some conspiracy theorists believe that Google uses these important data to track people and manipulate them.
5 Luckiest people in the world
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[ads-post] Here are the five luckiest people around the world. It is true that there is no connection between a wedding ring and carrots. However, you will never believe how this woman found her lost wedding ring. When she was harvesting carrots, she found the lost wedding ring struck in a carrot. Harrison Okene is a 29 years-old chef who was working on a tugboat. Unfortunately, that boat was sunken, and he was unable to get out of the water in the right time because at that time he was in the bathroom. However, he was survived thanks to an air pocket which was formed in the boat.
අතිශයින්ම පුරුෂයින්ට පමණයි - 90% දෙනා මේ ගැන දන්නේ නැහැ
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The deference between hydrogen and atomic bombs
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[ads-post] In 2016, North Korea tested a hydrogen bomb. It was more powerful than the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs. No one knew North Korea was developing such a weapon. According to the America, it caused a 5.1-magnitude earthquake. So what is a hydrogen bomb? How does it different from an atomic bomb? However, it has only an atomic level change. Hydrogen bomb also called thermonuclear bombs are more powerful than atomic bombs.
හදිසි අනතුරු වලින් පසුව සුපිරි බලයක් හිමුවූ පුද්ගලයින් 5 දෙනෙක්
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වඳවී ගිය මැමත් සත්වයින් යලි උපදිනවා (අදාහගත නොහැකියි ) - Scientists recreate woolly mammoth
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විශ්වාස කරන්න - දුරේක්ෂයකින් ඩයිනෝසර් යුගය දකින්න පුළුවන්
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How to watch Dinosaurs using a telescope
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[ads-post] Do you believe if I said that it is possible to watch dinosaur era using only a telescope? According to the science, it is actually possible. The reflections of the Jurassic era still exist throughout the universe. Therefore, it is not that difficult to see the Jurassic era. You should never underestimate the power of science. One day, you will be able to see these extinct animals.
පිටසක්වල ජීවියෙක් එක්ක පෘතුවි ජීවියෙක් එකතුවෙලා බිහිකරපු දරුවෙක් හෙලිකල රහස් - Lea Kapiteli
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What will happen if all the people jumped once
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[ads-post] There are 7 billion people around the world. What will happen if all the people jumped at once? Nothing will happen if they jump at home. However, if they gathered at one place and jumped, it will cause a huge impact on the earth. The first sign of the impact is 200-decibel noise. The humans can't survive under this kind of loud noise. Their eardrums will be blown in a second. In the end, they will die.
හන්දි වේදනාව නැතිකර ගන්න මෙන්න නියම පානයක් දවසෙන් විසදුම
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Scientists recreate woolly mammoth
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[ads-post] Cyberian scientists have found a mammoth fossil, an animal that extinct before 10,000 years ago. Now scientists are working hard to recreate a wooly mammoth using DNA in the fossil. They have already built a laboratory to make accomplish this project. The main purpose of the scientists who are currently working on that is to recreate a living mammoth. Look at this photo closely, this is the newly discovered mammoth's fossil in Cyberia. It is not that easy to recreate an extinct animal using only a DNA.
රෝග රැසකට සුව ගෙන දෙන කැකිරි මෙන්න බලන්න ඔබ පුදුම වෙයි
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නිවසේදීම හදා ගත හැකි රසවත් ගුණවත් නිවීති මාලුව මෙන්න බලන්න
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නිවසේදීම දෙල් කලුපොල් මාලුව හදාගන්න දන්නවද මෙන්න ක්රමය
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පොල් වතුර බොන පිරිමින්ගේ ශුක්රානු වලට සහ ශිෂ්නයට වෙන දේ
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